6 Ekim 2014 Pazartesi

Current use of technology in teaching in Turkey

As prospective teachers, we should all think "How would we describe the current use of technology in teaching in Turkey?" or "How would the technology used in teaching change in the following years?" Technology is not a static thing and it will keep changing all the time. As we looked back, we can see the development of technology for especially the last 10 years. It is actually hard to imagine how technology will change and how this change will affect teaching. To predict the differences that will come about with the development of technology, we have to describe current of technology in teaching. In Turkey, using technology in teaching is not highly valued. Using technology for in-class activities is quite rare. In primary schools and high schools, projectors and televisions are used to watch movies. Computers are used only by teachers for various purposes. However, students use technology very much for doing their homework. I guess in-class activities will be much more based on technology by using websites such as Socrates, Edmodo etc. Students will be more comfortable with using technology and can easily integrate technology into their learning. It will create a more comfortable classroom environment for students, which will faciliatate both teaching and learning.

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