6 Ekim 2014 Pazartesi

Reflection on Chapter 1

In secondary school, we didn't have to have lots of literacy skills that we have to now. When I started university definitely I didn't have any ideas of what literacy skills I have. However, now I know 8 different types of literacy skills and I have the confidence to integrate them my academic education. As a student, I need to have computer literacy to complete the assignments that are directly related with using computer such as CTE 319 assignments. In addition, I utilize text literacy skills a lot for readind assignments. As a teacher I believe I will have to have to general literacy skills to faciliatate students' cognitive development. Also, there are different types of students so teachers need to have different types of literacies to address all of them. For example, a teacher needs to have visual,audio and video literacy skills. However, sometimes having those skills are not enough so teacher needs to know how to activate and integrate them into their teaching. At that point, lesson plans such as ASSURE can help teachers. Teachers needs to upgrade their literacies depending on the classroom that they are teaching.

3 yorum:

  1. I totally agree with the ideas in the second part of your reflection. We all are individuals and we all have different features and abilities. So as you said in your last sentence, no matter how much knowladgeable the teacher is, there is no single way to teach it.

  2. Hi Selin :) You wrote you had had no idea about literacy skills before you came to the university. Do you think you will teach these literacies to your students before they go to the university? Also, you are right regarding that teachers have to know how to integrate their skills into their teaching. Only to know these skills is not important if you do not use them.

  3. Hi Beril! Yes certainly I believe I will prepare them in terms of these literacies so that they won't have to encounter any obstacles. Thank you both for your comments. :)
