18 Ekim 2014 Cumartesi

Deeper Reflection on the Assure Model

As I wrote in my previous blog, my teachers were generally not very efficient in using the instuctional technology and media. I can say this on the grounds that the only technological equipments we used were television, cd player and projector but its use was very limited. When I compare the instuctional media that is used nowadays, I find our use of instructional media is very very sufficient. For example, we could use our smart phones or simply computers to integrate instruction and technology in a more effective way. I believe computer helps a lot for especially pronunciation. Hearing native pronunciation from online dictionaries, may help students to produce native-like pronunciation. These weren't included in our classes. If they were included, I believe our English lessons would be more effective. Other than fourth step, which is utilizing technology, our teachers were aware of the steps of the Assure model. They analyzed the students profile , stated objectives, selected materials,require learner's response and evaluate well, which in turn contributed to the effectiveness of the lessons.

3 yorum:

  1. Hi Selin :) The situation was same in my high school. Using the technology was very limited. Actually, even now, only Steve teacher allows us to use our mobile phones and tablets. Do you have any other teacher (at METU NCC) who allows you to use any technological device? Or any teacher who supports using mobile phones in classroom?

  2. Hi selin:) Actually you were luckier than me. Because we had only a book to learn second language in the school. I didint have even television or cd player. But you are right. İf we uses ASSURE model in the classroom these are not enough.

  3. Hi Beril ! Unfortunately, I don't have any teacher in Metu Ncc who allows or supports us to use our mobile phones during the class hours. But, I believe it becomes a must in 21st century education.
